![23]Texture Tales Lorayne on How She Uses Squish to Condish on Her 3A Curls

Image: @curly.lori.lane


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

When I was a child, my mom had no idea how to handle my thick curly hair, so it was always cut really short. It was dry brushed daily.  I started hating my hair when I was about twelve. I remember writing about it in my diary,  hoping it would just look good for the next day at school.  But it never did. So I would put it in a bun or braid to hide it. I wished it could just be silky straight and smooth like everyone around me. My sister would occasionally straighten it for me with an iron. I don’t think flat irons even existed yet.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/wavy hair?

I’ve always worn my hair curly, only straightening or getting a blow out once in a while, for special events.  But I was starting to highlight it more often,  which caused it to dry out and loose curl.  I was about to get it chemically straightened and hope for the best when I saw a post on Facebook about plopping in leggings. I had no idea what that meant and clicked on the link to a Curly Girl Facebook group. My first thoughts were…. woah, this is too much. And after scrolling through posts, I thought…..ya there’s no way these people have really curly hair, they must be curling it or something.  A month later,  I figured I’d make an effort to see if this was real before looking into chemically straightening and I’m soooo happy I gave it a chance!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

Definitely being able to help other people struggling with their hair!  I was so overwhelmed when I was new, so I love being able to give back.

How do you protect your curls at night?

I sleep in a buff.  But now I’m thinking about trying a silk pillow case so my curls can be more free.

Who is your curl crush?

Jackie! @mymanecurls

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

As long as I have a conditioner and a gel, I’m good.  I have a few conditioners that work great for cowashing,  conditioning, deep conditioning,
and leave in.  

![21]Texture Tales Lorayne on How She Uses Squish to Condish on Her 3A Curls

Image: @curly.lori.lane


What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

Cowash, Then add conditioner with praying hands.  Squish to condish until my hair feels softer. Detangle with wide tooth comb and my fingers. Squish to condish again. Rinse all or most of the conditioner out. Divide hair in half and rake in leave in on each side. Flip head upside down and rake in more leave in, use a wide tooth comb to create clumps, praying hands to smooth, then gently scrunch.  Wide tooth comb again,  praying hands again, and gently scrunch again. Add gel with praying hands, then gently scrunch. Plop anywhere from 5-30 min. Sometimes microplop right before diffusing,  sometimes not. Diffuse for 15 min or air dry.

Some of my favorite products are Yes to Carrots Nourishing Conditioner, Vo5 Extra Body Volumizing Conditioner, GVP Conditioning Balm, Giovanni Direct Leave In, Herbal Essences Gel, LA Looks Blue Gel, Biotera Defining Gel, Blueberry Bliss Jelly, Jessicurl Spiralicious, Giovanni LA Hold Gel, MopTop Curly Custard and Treluxe Hi Definition Gel. 


![22]Texture Tales Lorayne on How She Uses Squish to Condish on Her 3A Curls

Image: @curly.lori.lane


What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The hardest part for me has always been learning how to keep my hair balanced between protein and moisture.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Yes! Cowashing, squish to condish, taking my time when applying stylers, heated deep conditioning with protein, and avoiding coconut.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Do not compare your hair! Instead, learn to love your own!