![lizzy 1]Texture Tales Lizzy Shares Her CG Secrets on How She Styles Her 3b Curls


What is your hair type?


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up with textured hair was difficult in many ways. By elementary school I started realizing my hair wasn’t like everyone else’s, and I felt a bit out of place. My parents had no clue how to style or care for my hair, so it was typically just very big and frizzy. And the pain of my mom ripping through my curls is something I will never forget!! I was bullied multiple times for having textured hair when I was growing up, and it got to the point where I started straightening my bangs to try to fit in.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

After realizing I couldn’t straighten all of my hair on a regular basis because it takes so long, so just started using a hair mousse to take the frizz. It worked well at first and then the silicones built up. Over the next few years my hair got more and more stringy and thin, my curls were just waves. It wasn’t until a traumatic event occurred in my life that I started caring for my curls out of a need for a form of self care. That’s when I found the curly girl method, and I started to fall in love with my hair!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment of my curly hair journey has been the fact that starting the CG Method and embracing my hair has boosted my self confidence. It is so freeing and healing to completely embrace your natural hair. My curls are a part of who I am and I couldn’t imagine myself without them!

![lizzy 2]Texture Tales Lizzy Shares Her CG Secrets on How She Styles Her 3b Curls

Image: @lizzys_curlycare

How do you protect your curls at night?

Sleeping with a silk or satin pillowcase has given me the best results for protecting my curls overnight. I wake up to far less frizz when sleeping on a satin pillowcase!

Who is your curl crush?

How do I choose just one?! I have always been inspired by Felicia (@hif3licia“>, her curls are so beautiful and her transformation has always been goals!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

I cannot live without conditioner. Without that hydration my curls would just be a hot mess!! Whenever my curls are starting to look dull or frizzy I know it’s tome to get some conditioner on it, and once I do, my curls come back to life!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I start off by cleansing with a co-wash or shampoo, focusing on the scalp!
To condition I usually use the DevaCurl Original One Conditioner and I leave this on for 5-10 minutes while I’m showering. I rinse most of it out, leaving just a little in my hair. To style I always start on soaking wet hair and separate into 3 or more sections to work with. I rake a leave in conditioner through my curls from root to tip. I then smooth and shingle a gel over the leave in conditioner, working one section at a time. I gently scrunch.I use a t-shirt to scrunch our excess product and water, then air dry.

![lizzy 3]Texture Tales Lizzy Shares Her CG Secrets on How She Styles Her 3b Curls

Image: @lizzys_curlycare

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging moment of my natural hair journey has been the amount of time it takes to care for my curls. It does consume a lot of time, but in my opinion it is completely worth it!

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Using a heat cap on my hair while deep conditioning really helps my hair!
Also using the shingling technique during styling really gives me the definition I love so much!

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

It’s a journey, it doesn’t happen overnight. Those of us who are loving our hair have struggled and some days we still struggle! You are not alone, and always reach out to other curly girls for support!!

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.