Getty Images / Justin Lambert

Everyone loses some hair on a daily basis, especially as we get older. But for some, excessive hair loss or shedding can be a problem. Just how much hair loss is normal, and what should you do if you’re losing more than normal?

The Seattle Hair Loss Treatment & Hair Replacement Systems states that, “During the resting period of the cycle, the hair follicle is reaching the point of detachment and the bulb of the hair shaft moves closer to the surface of the scalp.” Everyday activities such as brushing your hair, removing a ponytail, or even washing and conditioning your hair are also all part of normal daily hair loss.

How much hair loss is normal?

Overall, you can expect to be shedding 50-100 hair follicles on a daily basis. For a normal, healthy scalp, this amount is completely normal.

Overall, you can expect to be shedding 50-100 hair follicles on a daily basis.

If you have much longer hair, however, it may appear that you are losing more than you really are. If you only wash your hair once a week or less, you may find that on wash day you lose several days worth of shed hair during the detangling and washing process.

The same numbers of hairs will grow to replace the hair that has been lost; therefore, you will have a roughly constant amount of hair follicles on your scalp at all times.

Losing more than normal?

If you are noticing more than 50-100 strands of hair falling out while shampooing or brushing your hair, or if follicles are actually coming out in large clumps of hair, it might be time to visit your doctor.

There are many different reasons that you could be losing large amounts of hair, including excessive stress, early stages of alopecia, or lack of essential vitamins in your diet.

Excessive hair loss can also be a sign that something more serious is happening within your body, but each patient’s circumstances will vary. More and more women are dealing with hair loss problems than ever, and there are many different types of treatment and support available to help overcome these problems.

How to prevent hair loss

There is no way to completely prevent the loss of hair, as it is a part of your body’s natural cycle. Shedding is necessary in order for new, healthy pieces of hair to grow in the old hair’s place.

In order to make sure that you are not losing large quantities of hair, try making lifestyle adjustments like reducing stress in your life, eating a nutrient-rich diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising on a regular basis. Taking steps to address your hair loss on your own is important, but none of this advice can replace the advice of a medical professional.

Before seeing your doctor, it may be helpful to try to educate yourself on potential causes and solutions for your hair loss. Try reading these articles to narrow down what concerns may apply to you, then bring your concerns to your doctor.

Do you know what’s causing your hair loss?

This has been updated to reflect new recommendations and resources.